Our Programs
Every day we have new ideas about how build a stronger community around us, these are the ones that have become a reality. From building alliances to destroying taboos, we are committed to our producers and our region.
Siete Soles Drying Complex
Beginnign operations this second semester of 2023, the Siete Soles Drying Complex will have 6,000 sq m (64.500 sq ft) space for specialty coffee drying processes.
Credit Lines
By working with Cuatro Vientos, our coffee growers have access to credit lines for productive ventures through Colombia's largest bank. In June 2023, the first credit lines were approved for 211 beneficiaries, with amounts of up to $4,780,000,000 Colombian pesos (over one million dollars).
Villa Libano Association
Cuatro Vientos is the commercial ally for all the projects of this association, which consists of approximately 80 coffee growers based in Algeciras. They haveall the necessary infrastructureto do things right, and Cuatro Vientos provides them withfinancing and visibility.
Renewable Energy
Over 70% of the energy usedat Campoalegre Collection Centeris generated by solar panels, and this is just the beginning!
Andes Altos
Since 2021, we have been providing incentives, guidance, better prices, and constant support to seven coffee-producing families in northern Huila. We taught them, prepared them, and now they are producing AMAZING specialty natural coffees.